“I was catapulted into my spiritual awakening”
In 2008 I was diagnosed with Stage 2 Colon Cancer
CANCER was my greatest teacher. Cancer does whatever it wants. It doesn’t conform to what someone expects. It divides and spreads and creates what it wants to. Everything I wasn’t doing on my own. It catapulted me into my spiritual awakening.
I wasn’t living life as my true self. I wanted to but I didn’t know how. I had so many old beliefs and conditioning around who I thought I SHOULD be instead of being who I wanted to be. I was a disciplined people pleaser and allowed others to shape my life for me instead of being brave enough to shape my own.
Facing my mortality gave me a SUPER POWER, my VOICE! I came out of my own closet and let the world know that I was done allowing others to define me. I was ready to shine!
Each decision that followed was intuitively guided
Each decision that followed was intuitively guided, from treatments, to cleansing my body, diet, supplements, re-writing old beliefs, and letting go of relationships that held me back. I was learning how to harness my own authority. Today I am happy to say I am Cancer-free!
Now I teach and facilitate others how to do the same thing in their lives. No matter what your CANCER may be (career, finances, relationships or health), knowing how to access your Intuitive Connection will change and empower your life forever!

My Training
Although I have had lots of professional training my personal testimony is my favorite certification. Surviving a CHILDHOOD DIVORCE, SMALL TOWN CONDITIONING, MARRIAGE, HAVING MY OWN CHILDREN, COLON CANCER, MOVING ACROSS THE COUNTRY, and STARTING A BUSINESS, I have discovered how qualified I am!
Lancaster School of massage Therapy Lancaster, PA
Advanced Body Work, Energy, and Reiki Healing
Holistic Nutrition Coaching SWIHA Tempe, AZ
Past Life Regression Mary Elizabeth Reines Sedona, AZ
Medical Intuition Dr. Nancy Clark Tucson, AZ
Mediumship Jamie Butler Atlanta, GA
Spiritual Coaching and Development Training Emily Rivera
Personal study of Essential Oils
Personal study of Crystals Krysta Gibson