Each month a new and interesting way to meditate is offered. From story boarding to intuitively guided meditations, crystal sound bowls, and tea ceremonies. Please bring your journal and favorite pen to write with, comfy dress, and a water bottle.
The next opportunity is August 25th from 10:00am-12:00 at the Studio. Bianca will be facilitating a an intuitive art meditation. No experience is needed. All Supplies are included. $55.00 Exchange. Hit Announcement Bar at the top of page to book your spot or head to appointments where you can also book.
Intuitive Art class
Next Class: Coming soon…
Price: $55
In this Intuitive Art Class we will be pulling insight cards to direct our art piece. Using acrylic paints and small canvases personal direction will come to life!
Absolutely NO artistic ability is required. This class is designed to tune into your personal intuition and create from a connected place.
Sign up alone or invite a friend/partner to sign up and share this magical time together.
Develop Your Intuition
Next Class: Coming Soon…
Price: $55
Learn how to connect to your own intuition. Accessing only the highest vibrations we will communicate with our guides, loved ones, angels, ascended masters/teachers and other light beings.
Offered once a month, these small group classes will cover:
Special meditation techniques to get quiet and access that inner voice
Tools, such as oracle cards, automatic writing, crystals and pendulums to help you gain trust in your intuition
Fun group and partner exercise to practice your intuitive abilities
Connection with ascended Master/Teachers, Passed Loved Ones, Angels, Guides and other Light Beings
Learning how to access your own intuition is a skill anyone can learn. It’s that quiet voice inside that is often drowned out due to stress, conditioning and giving up your power.
Crystal Workshop
Next Workshop: Coming Soon…
from 1:00-3:00pm
Cost: $75.00
Are you interested in crystals but have no idea how to use them?
Crystal 101 is for you! Join me and discover the difference between a transmitter crystal and a generator. Crystals come in many shapes and variety it can get overwhelming. Let me guide you on how to identify what type of crystal is what. You will learn the different types of crystals and when to use them. Please bring a few of your own to explore. This workshop will spend time going over different types of crystals, when to use them and how to care for them, learning how to intuitively grid with crystals and use them in healing. Everyone will receive their very own gridding kit to take home.
Learn how to identify crystals
How to clear them
How to program them
How to choose them
How to grid them
How to use them for healing